<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/w-3-tunnels-b.png" class="limit">
(if: $diode_is_cleared is not 0)[ I hear a crackling sound coming from the tunnels above and behind me. The air feels sharp and prickly on my fur and it makes my nose twitch. I think this means the power is working! Maybe now I can thicken the shell.
I could also:](else: )[This is one of the oldest places of the rabbits. We used to store some things here but now most rabbits have heard the stories of flefnards or tenneses that would leap upon you and eat you in one bite. These beasts were there to protect the ancient places of the Ürs. No one really knows anything about them. No rabbit has been here in a long time.
This is like an old tunnel hub, with a few tunnels twisting away into the distance.][[]]
* [[↗ Follow the tunnel forward to a bright light, where the air hums and swells->Entrance to the Halls of the Ürs]] or
* (if: $diode_is_cleared is not 0)[[[↖ Follow the large side tunnel to a cool dark place, with a smell unlike any I have smelled->Lower Ledge With Diode]]](else: )[[[↖ Follow the large side tunnel to a cool dark place, with a smell unlike any I have smelled->Lower Ledge]]]
* (if: $diode_is_cleared is not 0)[[[↑ Jump on a few rocks to climb up to an oddly placed upper tunnel->Upper Ledge With Diode]]](else: )[[[↑ Jump on a few rocks to climb up to an oddly placed upper tunnel->Blocked Upper Ledge]]]
or, clamber back down and around and leap back to [[↩ The River->The River]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/surface-cave.png" class="limit">
With the hatch open, I take a few steps beyond it.
[[Should I leave the safety of the Warren behind and step out into this huge place?->Leave The Hatch]]
or should I [[↩ head back to the great halls of the Ürs->Opened Hatch]] to see if there's something I can do there.<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ur-city-awake-jupiter.png">
It looks as if I have finally reached it, an even older place. It is some kind of City of Ürs. From behind the cliff I climbed, I can see that the bubble surrounding it is the same as the bubble that surrounds this whole huge place.
There is a giant gate made of ears that looks familiar, and it is honestly pretty scary. I can't think of any other way to help the rabbits, though, so I [[go through the Ears of the Ürs->Ears of The Ürs]], or maybe something can still be done [[back in the halls->Opened Hatch Peek]].<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/Ur-Stairs-3.png" class="img-gen">
What mad passageway is this? It is another rock-hewn step tunnel, but this one twists deeply into the rock, down towards some large space
[[I descend->Sioban's Vestibule]]
or [[↩ Turn around and go back out to the Courtyard->Ürs Courtyard]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/Ur-Stairs-1.png" class="img-gen">
A dim and glowing passageway leads down to some larger place.
[[I can only descend->Tristan's Vestibule]]
or [[↩ Turn around and go back out to the Courtyard->Ürs Courtyard]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/Ur-Stairs-1.png" class="img-gen">
A passageway leads ever downward.
[[I follow it.->Ebony's Vestibule]]
or [[↩ Turn around and go back out to the Courtyard->Ürs Courtyard]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/tunnel-hub-1200.png" Style="width:100%;">(if: $chance_of_thud_in_warren is not 0)[(either: ...$chance_of_thud_in_warren)]
The Hub is the heart of the Warren. All of its tunnels were dug by my brethren rabbits, some were even dug by yours truly. We are told by the Warrenherd to make each tunnel wider than it is tall. We don't know why, but we try. We don't always get it right. It is easy to get carried away and dig too far in one direction and not the other. Oh well.
From the Hub, tunnels lead to all the special places that keep the Warren running and humming:
* [[The Nursery]]
* [[The Warrenherd]]
* [[The Farm]]
* [[The River]] <img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/w-familiar-place.png" class="limit">(if: $chance_of_thud_in_warren is not 0)[(either: ...$chance_of_thud_in_warren)]
I find myself in the sleeping place. Everything is freshly dug and Rabbits have already repaired all the damage from the big<span class="thud">THUD</span>. It is as if the <span class="thud">THUD</span> had never come. There are fresh tettles to eat and new piles of fronds and husks to curl up in and sleep on. Tettle husks make the best beds for rabbits.
It is easy to forget the <span class="thud">THUD</span> when all reminders are so quickly scuttled away. The Warrenherd demands it. Without the Warrenherd rabbits might not do anything other than scuffle, dig and sleep the rest of their time away in the fluffle huddle.
Thanks to the Warrenherd everything has returned to the way it was, like it always does, as the Warrenherd tells us it always will. I would like to roll into the huddle and forget, to simply be content with my fellow rabbits.
I cannot. Something is not right and I am worried. I will not find the answer here.
I hop out to the [[Tunnel Hub]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/farm-harvest.png" class="limit">(if: $chance_of_thud_in_warren is not 0)[(either: ...$chance_of_thud_in_warren)]
The farm stretches out in all directions, rows and rows of tettleplant and lichens stretch out until they recede into the darkness.
Fellow rabbits are working the rows. Not much needs to be done as tettleplant grows abundantly here. One mature plant can feed a family of rabbits for a few days.
(if: $dug_to_monolith is not 0)[I can head down the tunnel to see [[The Huge Monolith]] again,](else:)[Seeing the rabbits planting and digging makes me want to... [[DIG!!!!->Dig]],] or go back to the [[↩ Tunnel Hub to search the Warren further->Tunnel Hub]].<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/river-sit.png" class="limit">(if: $chance_of_thud_in_warren is not 0)[(either: ...$chance_of_thud_in_warren)]
I do not know where the river flows to or from.
It comes from a tunnel and goes to one.
It is life, and it is all our water.
There is an older rabbit, the [[River Rabbit]], who stays here and tends the place. He used to cross the river sometimes to the upper hub, but now he mostly maintains the banks and mumbles a lot.
[[Leap over the river to the other side->River Leap]]
[[↩ Return to the Tunnel Hub->Tunnel Hub]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/nursery-check-the-kits.png" class="limit">
The weight of the <span class="thud">THUD</span> was felt here too. Now they make little tettleweed shelters for the young kits, and this time it worked. I see no hurt kittens, just scared ones. If I don't do anything will these kits ever know what it's like to dig and scuffle?
Seeing the young kits in danger makes me want to [[search the Warren->Tunnel Hub]] and ask around to find out if there's something I can do to stop the <span class="thud">THUD</span> while there's still time.<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/w-mayor.png" class="img-med">(if: $chance_of_thud_in_warren is not 0)[(either: ...$chance_of_thud_in_warren)]
The Warrenherd is plenty busy considering things, so I am hesitant to disturb him. When I come in he seems, for a moment, to be resting. I could [[leave the Warrenherd to his thoughts and explore the rest of the Warren->Tunnel Hub]] or,
I could, speak to the Warrenherd about my worries:
[<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">Oh, thoughtful Warrenherd I, must speak to you about this <span class="thud">THUD</span>! There is real damage happening in the Warren now!</span></div>]<startconversation|(click: ?startconversation)[(display: "Warrenherd Speech 1")]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/rabbit-end-game-skull.png" class="img-med">
In 6 rabbit crop cycles, a mighty <span class="thud">THUD</span> comes, and the next one tears right through the warren.
The rabbits are all cold and dead. :(
[[Would you like to rewind back to the moment before this happened?->The Warrenherd]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/w-mayor-end.png" class="img-gen">
{<div class="speech other"><span class="warrenherdspeak">It'll all work out. I must be going.</span></div>
The Warrenherd is so certain of his opinion that he's not able to hear me, but with renewed determination I head back to [[Tunnel Hub]] to try and come up with a solution.}<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/halls-hatch-closed-2.png" class="limit">
I have reached the end of these Halls. There is a great circle here, that looks like a gateway to another place. It is adorned with symbols of many rabbits and paws, and a lever that looks like it's made to open the gateway.
* I can [leap up onto the great handle to see if I can somehow move it]<hatchleap|
* I can [[press my paw to the huge paw print->Opened Hatch]]
<div class="pulse-in">I make the mightiest of leaps, but I simply bounce off the handle, bruising my poor rabbit belly in the process.</div>
or [[↩ walk back into the halls.->Right Hall]](click: ?hatchleap)[(show: ?hatchbounce)]
<section class="ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td class="majestic"><div>▭</div></td><td>[[←->Right Hall]]</td><td>▣</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section>
There was another <div class="thud">THUD</div>
[[this time ...->The Worst One]] ⟻(click to find out)
<!-- random chance of THUD in warren -->(set: $thud_in_warren to (a: "", "","","Another <div class=\"thud\">THUD</div> shakes the warren.
Not as bad as the one that woke me up, but I don't like it.
<!-- random chance of THENGG in warren -->(set: $tinggg_in_warren to (a: "", "","","A gentle <div class=\"tinggg\">TINGGG</div> vibrates the warren.
Seems better than the <span class=\"thud\">THUD</span>, but I still don't like it.
<!-- random chance of THUD in halls -->(set: $thud_in_halls to (a: "","","Another <div class=\"thud\">THUD</div> shakes the halls.
Some clouds of dust swirl around, but these well-built halls remain intact.
<!-- random chance of THENGG in halls -->(set: $tinggg_in_halls to (a: "","","A gentle <div class=\"tinggg\">TINGGG</div> vibrates the halls.
Seems better than the <span class=\"thud\">THUD</span>, but I still don't like it.
(set: $chance_of_thud_in_halls to $thud_in_halls)
(set: $chance_of_thud_in_warren to $thud_in_warren)
(set: $diode_is_cleared to 0)
(set: $shield_refreshed to 0)
(set: $hatch_opened to 0)
(set: $ur_visited to 0)
(set: $dug_to_monolith to 0)
(set: $returned_to_river to 0)
... maybe the worst <div class="thud">THUD</div> yet,
[[I remember...->I Remember]]
<div class="thud">THUD</div>
I remember long ago when the <span class="thud">THUD</span> first came to the Warren.
We were all startled, because nothing like that had ever happened.
We soon forgot about it. Well, for a few growing cycles, then, <span class="thud">THUD</span>.
That was only once.
Then, it started happening once a growing cycle.
Then, after a while, the <span class="thud">THUD</span> could happen any time. Now this immense <span class="thud">THUD</span>, the worst one yet.
[[I wake up in a familiar place.->Ruined Sleeping Quarters]]
<div class="dig-contain"><img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/idil-dig-1.png" class="img-dig">
<div class="bkg-tunnel-1">
<div class="dig">I DIG!</div>
Digging is the natural perfect activity of rabbits.
Sometimes I dig and forget about all things.
Digging a tunnel can heal, can make a new place.
It is a rabbit's reason.
I am having so much fun, maybe I should
<div class="dig">[[Dig Deeper]]</div>
<div><img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/river-rabbit-convo-cu.png" class="limit">
The River Rabbit regards me a little suspiciously, but seems willing to help me.
What should I say?{
}|riverquestion>[<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">Why do you stay here, at the river.</span></div>]|riverresponse)[<div class="speech other"><span class="riverrabbitspeak">River changes all the time and never changes. There have been times I wished to jump in, and find whatever place it goes to, or comes from, but it is one of the great mysteries of rabbits.</span></div>](click: ?riverquestion)[(show: ?riverresponse)]{
}|thudquestion>[<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">Old rabbit, I say, the <span class="thud">THUD</span> is upon us. I fear that we will be shaken such that the dirt collapses all around us and no more rabbits are ever born.</span></div>](click: ?thudquestion)[(display: "More River Rabbit Talk")]
Tired of speaking to the River Rabbit, [[↩ I go back to the edge of The River->The River]]<div class="dig-contain"><img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/idil-dig-2.png" class="img-dig">
<div class="bkg-tunnel-1">
<div class="dig">I DIG!</div>
My thirst for digging is intense.
Even in all this crisis it feels good to just dig.
<div class="stop-digging">[[Stop Digging and rest...->Sleeping Quarters]]</div>
<div class="dig">[[Dig Deeper Still]]</div>
</div><div class="dig-contain"><img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/idil-dig-3.png" class="img-dig">
<div class="bkg-tunnel-1">
<div class="dig">I DIG!</div>
A rabbit is not a rabbit without dirt in its paws
and a long tunnel behind it.
<div class="stop-digging">[[Stop Digging and rest...->Sleeping Quarters]]</div>
<div class="dig">[[Dig Even Deeper]]</div>
</div><div class="dig-contain"><img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/idil-dig-4.png" class="img-dig">
<div class="bkg-tunnel-1">
<div class="dig">I DIG!</div>
This is almost the furthest I've ever dug.
What am I trying to find?
What rabbit would come to a place I made here?
<div class="stop-digging">[[Stop Digging and rest...->Sleeping Quarters]]</div>
<div class="dig">[[Dig Deeper Than I Have Ever Dug Before]]</div>
</div><div class="dig-contain"><img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/idil-dig-5.png" class="img-dig">
<div class="bkg-tunnel-5">
I have been digging so long and strong that I hardly noticed until I uncovered something. Something stone. Something poking up into the tunnel.
It is a small object that has many sides. It is very strange, and it reminds me of old stories of the Ür-rabbits, the ancient ones. Digging all around it I see that it has a stem, and is rooted very deeply into the ground.
I am not sure if I should [[dig around it and try to uncover it.->The Huge Monolith]] or leave this large stone alone, [[stop digging and rest...->Sleeping Quarters]]
</div><img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/w-ruin-l1.png" class="img-gen">
I walk out on a red rock ledge.
What did I think was large before? This is the biggest place I have ever been. I am on a giant platform and in a room so large I can't clearly see the end of it. It has the thinnest clear walls of any place, and even beyond, there is blackness, and speckles. Giant rocks coast by.
There are other entrances on this spire, but there is nowhere safe to go from this ledge.
[[The only place to go is through the tunnel back to the Upper Hub ->Upper Hub]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/w-first-thud-sleeping.png" class="limit">
The sleeping quarters were hit hard this time. I've never seen such destruction. When the <span class="thud">THUD</span> comes it shakes the tunnels of the Warren to pieces, and pieces fall from above.
Some rabbits are wounded, others shocked by near misses. Debris is all around.
How much worse can this get? Something needs to be done. I should [[speak to the Warrenherd->The Warrenherd]], and see if he has a plan to stop this destruction, or I can [[check the nursery to see if any of the young kits have been hurt this time->The Nursery]] by the <span class="thud">THUD</span>.
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/river-jump.png" class="limit">
I am free of all constraints, until I land.
OUCH! I land on my tail!
Well, that hurt.
I've never leapt that far before.
No wonder no rabbit comes this way anymore.
Now that I'm here, I see a column of tettleplant roots that I could not see from the other side, maybe I can [[climb up the roots to another twisty set of tunnels->Upper Hub]]
or [[↩ take a deep breath and jump back across to the warren->The River]]<div class="dig-contain"><img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/idil-dig-6.png" class="img-dig">
<div class="bkg-tunnel-6">
(if: $dug_to_monolith is not 0)[Here again, before me, sits the monolith.](else:)[The more I dig, the more of this giant thing of stone I uncover. It is some kind of rabbit. I have heard tails of long and large old rabbits but most rabbits don't care about old stories of Ürs. We have what we need, and why would rabbits think about such things. They're old stories and old ways, that don't touch us.]
<div class="stop-digging">(if: $dug_to_monolith is not 0)[[[Climb back out to The Farm->The Farm]]](else:)[ I touch the huge thing, and ... [[I am very tired, so I stop digging, and when I wake up I am...->Sleeping Quarters]]]</div>
</div>(set: $dug_to_monolith to true)<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/halls-door-1.png" class="limit">
The natural tunneling of rabbits gives way to wide, tall, smooth walls of white stone. Some remnants of what rabbits used to store here are scattered about carelessly, like rabbits left in the midst of gathering them up. [[↩ I can head back towards the Warren->Upper Hub]]
However, up ahead is a giant door I can see opens up into a bright, large space.
I can navigate this huge new hall made out of halls.
The halls are shaped like this:
<section class="template ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>▣</td><td>[[→->Left Hall]]</td><td class="majestic"><div>▭</div></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/halls-W.png" class="limit">
(if: $chance_of_thud_in_halls is not 0)[(either: ...$chance_of_thud_in_halls)]
I am in the first of what looks like many giant rooms, made entirely of white stone. There is no roundness to this place. What tool or rabbit could have made these corners so square?
In some other rooms there are odd sculptures and strange objects. A little further it looks like a room even larger than the other rooms here.
<section class="ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td><td>[[↑->Top Left Hall]]</td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr><td>[[←->Entrance to the Halls of the Ürs]]</td><td>▣</td><td class="majestic"><div class="arrow">[[→->Majestic Center Hall]]</div></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>[[↓->Bottom Left Hall]]</td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section>
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/halls-NW.png" class="limit">{
(if: $chance_of_thud_in_halls is not 0)[(either: ...$chance_of_thud_in_halls)]
}I'm in the corner of a cavernous series of rooms, made entirely of white stone. The strangest, blocky tunnels lead in confusing directions.
There is a platform, I could probably (link: "jump up on")[(link: "jump down from")[look at longer]]. It looks like it once was able to contain water. Some sort of font, or bath.
What ever used this place? Are these Ür-rabbits gone forever?
<section class="template ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td> <td>▣</td> <td><div>[[→->Top Hall]]</div></td><td>▭</td> <td></td></tr><tr><td>▭</td><td>[[↓->Left Hall]]</td><td class="majestic"><div>▭</div></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/
halls-se-device-b.png" class="limit">
(if: $chance_of_thud_in_halls is not 0)[(either: ...$chance_of_thud_in_halls)]There is an odd box here with a dark, cracked window. It looks like it once worked, but now it looks broken.
[[I can approach this device->Useless Device]] or search further:
<section class="ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td> <td>▭</td> <td>▭</td><td>▭</td> <td></td></tr><tr><td>▭</td><td>[[↑->Left Hall]]</td><td class="majestic"><div>▭</div></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>▣</td><td>[[→->Bottom Hall]]</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section>
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/halls-great-hall.png" class="limit">
(if: $chance_of_thud_in_halls is not 0)[(either: ...$chance_of_thud_in_halls)]
This gigantic room is clearly the center of this place. I can only gaze around in wonder, it's as big as the Warren itself. All this space and nothing is here.
On each side is a door, and on each door is a picture. They have something to do with rabbits and probably, also Ürs.
<section class="ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td><div>[[↑->Top Hall]]</div></td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>▭</td><td>[[←->Left Hall]]</td><td class="majestic"><div style="color: white; font-weight: bold;">▣</div></td><td>[[→->Right Hall]]</td><td>▭</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td><div>[[↓->Bottom Hall]]</div></td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section>
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/top-hall-device-1.png" class="limit">{
(if: $chance_of_thud_in_halls is not 0)[(either: ...$chance_of_thud_in_halls)]
}I am in the opening of a cavernous room, made entirely of white stone. In one corner of the room is a huge and complicated device many times larger than me, with spheres circling other spheres. [[I can hop up onto the device.->Red Zone Steering Device]]
<section class="template ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td><td>[[←->Top Left Hall]]</td><td>▣</td><td>[[→->Top Right Hall]]</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td class="majestic"><div class="arrow">[[↓->Majestic Center Hall]]</div></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section>
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/halls-NE.png" class="limit">
(if: $chance_of_thud_in_halls is not 0)[(either: ...$chance_of_thud_in_halls)]
I am in the opening of a cavernous room, made entirely of white stone.
<section class="template ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td><div>[[←->Top Hall]]</div></td><td>▣</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td class="majestic"><div>▭</div></td><td>[[↓->Right Hall]]</td><td>▭</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section>
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/
w-object.png" class="limit">
(if: $chance_of_thud_in_halls is not 0)[(either: ...$chance_of_thud_in_halls)]
This room has an amazing device in it, and is the most brightly colored of all these huge rooms. In the center, on a raised platform, a large box with symbols on it hums and small amounts of steam curl from it. It has a cube within a cube, with bright paw prints on opposite faces. The paw prints look double or triple the width of my own.
* (link: "I can try to place my paw in the paw print on the side facing me")[<div class="pulse-in">When I reach for the print, my paw goes right through the outer cube. It is made of nothing but light. My paw settles into the inner cube's print. The light stirs, but nothing happens.</div>(set: $has_touched_the_cube to true)]
* (link: "I can try to place my paw in the paw print on the opposite side")[<div class="pulse-in">When my paw settles into the far side cube, nothing happens.</div>(set: $has_touched_the_cube to true)]
[[In a room towards the Warren->Bottom Left Hall]] I see a boxy device and (if: $diode_is_cleared is not 0)[[[in a corner room nearby->Usable Shield Room]]](else:)[[[in a corner room nearby->Unpowered Shield Room]]] I see a very similar box, but I can hear it from here, whirring softly.
<section class="template ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td class="majestic"><div class="arrow">[[↑->Majestic Center Hall]]</div></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>[[←->Bottom Left Hall]]</td><td>▣</td><td>(if: $diode_is_cleared is not 0)[[[→->Usable Shield Room]]](else:)[[[→->Unpowered Shield Room]]]</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section>
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/halls-E.png" class="limit">
(if: $chance_of_thud_in_halls is not 0)[(either: ...$chance_of_thud_in_halls)]
Behind me is the [[Majestic Center Hall]]. Ahead, I see a room with some (if: $hatch_opened is not 0)[[[giant circle gateway->Opened Hatch]]](else: )[[[giant circle gateway->Hatch Chamber]]] and (if: $diode_is_cleared is not 0)[[[in a corner room nearby->Usable Shield Room]]](else:)[[[in a corner room nearby->Unpowered Shield Room]]] I see some kind of device. I can hear the device from here, whirring softly.
<section class="template ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td>[[↑->Top Right Hall]]</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td class="majestic"><div class="arrow">[[←->Majestic Center Hall]]</div></td><td>▣</td><td>(if: $hatch_opened is not 0)[[[→->Opened Hatch]]](else: )[[[→->Hatch Chamber]]]</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td>(if: $diode_is_cleared is not 0)[[[↓->Usable Shield Room]]](else:)[[[↓->Unpowered Shield Room]]]</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/
halls-sw-2.png" class="limit">
(if: $chance_of_thud_in_halls is not 0)[(either: ...$chance_of_thud_in_halls)]
This hall is like the others, except there is a strange device here, and in one corner of it, it looks like there's a window to another world and a prominent paw print. (if: $shield_refreshed is not 0)[The paw print is glowing, and the window shines brightly. THE SHELL IS THICKENED!
](else:)[[I could touch my tiny paw to the huge paw print.]<activateshield|]
(click: ?activateshield)[(set: $shield_refreshed to true)(set: $chance_of_thud_in_halls to $thinggg_in_halls)(set: $chance_of_thud_in_warren to $thinggg_in_warren)(show: ?pressing)(replace: ?activateshield)[The paw print is glowing, and the window shines brightly.]]{
<div class="pulse-in">In the distance, I hear a mighty crackling, and the window to another place shines so much it hurts my eyes for a moment. Something in the window has changed.[[ Look at the window->Master Viewscreen]]</div>](pressing|{
[[I could move closer to get a look at the window->Master Viewscreen]]
<section class="template ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td class="majestic"><div>▭</div></td><td>[[↑->Right Hall]]</td><td>▭</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>[[←->Bottom Hall]]</td><td>▣</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/surface-2.png" class="fullwidth">
What a majestic place I have entered. Every rabbit I know has lived and bred without seeing that this place **is**. I can't even imagine, and I'm looking at it.
[[Should I keep on following this landscape, hoping something is here->Longer Landscape]]?
or [[↩ go back to the Halls->Opened Hatch]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/surface-2b.png" class="fullwidth">
I feel so light here, and I am able to leap a great distance with each hop.
How could somerabbit have dug out such a giant place? I hop as high as my paws will send me, **because I can**!
I see a tiny bump in the distance, like a shining rock sticking out of the dirt.
[[That bump is the first hope of promise so I hop on->Real Long Landscape]]
or [[↩ go back to the Halls->Opened Hatch]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/surface-3b.png" class="fullwidth">
Even as light as I now am, hopping is still hard work. I stop to wiggle my nose. I have begun to get accustomed to this vast space where I can move freely with no digging.
I see now what I thought was a bump looks more like a bubble. Where there are bubbles there could be a river. What a river it must be to hold a bubble that big.
[[I walk closer to this mysterious bubble->Longest Damn Landscape]]
or [[↩ go back to the Halls->Opened Hatch]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/surface-4b.png" class="fullwidth">
I tire a bit, and rest. The bubble in the distance is like, half the shape of the bubbles I have seen floating off of the river in the warren. It still looks far away but I can probably get to it. What am I saying?
[[I can get to the bubble ->The Bubble]], I know I can!
I am tired though, maybe I should [[↩ go back to the Halls->Opened Hatch]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ur-entry-stones.png" class="limit">
The path is made of stones that have nothing underneath them but air. It seems to lead to a courtyard near three large buildings. [[If the stones can lift themselves, perhaps they can lift me, so I walk across them->City of the Ürs Awakens]] or I can [[return to the safety of the cliffs->City of the Ürs]].<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ur-city-ears-enter-2.png" class="fullwidth">
What Ür-rabbit would have been so bold to cross these imposing gates. I can feel my legs shake, which makes me want to run away, but I have come this far, so maybe [[I walk through the gap and into the path leading into the bubble->Entrance to City of the Ürs]]
or, [[↩ I run back to the safety of the cliffs->City of the Ürs]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/surface-1.png" class="fullwidth">
I crawl through the giant hatch into a vast place.
What did I think was large before? This is the biggest place I have ever been. It has the thinnest clear walls of any place, and even beyond, there is blackness, and speckles. One giant sphere hangs in the sky, a place with swirls.
[[Should I traverse this long landscape->Long Landscape]]?
or [[↩ go back to the Halls->Opened Hatch]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ur-city-dome.png" class="img-gen">
Finally this shimmering place is before me. The bubble shines and pulses like a heartbeat. There are towers and halls inside a cieling skin much like the one over this whole place.
[[I hop down the slope to the bubble->City of the Ürs]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/
surface-meteor-strike.png" class="limit">
I look at this strange window and see the largest room you can imagine, and a rabbit shaped tower in the distance. Just as I get a sense of perspective,
<div class="thud">THUD</div>
For the first time, I see what causes the <span class="thud">THUD</span>. It is giant rocks hitting the roof of this huge space! I can see this thin roof crackle and shake each time. It looks like it was designed to protect against the rocks, but maybe it's not doing such a good job anymore.
or, [[↩ step away from the machine->Unpowered Shield Room]]
<section class="template ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td class="majestic"><div>▭</div></td><td>[[↑->Right Hall]]</td><td>▭</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>[[←->Bottom Hall]]</td><td>▣</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/
halls-se-device-2.png" class="limit">
This is a strange box indeed. It doesn't hum, or make any noise, and its little window is completely dark.
I can [touch my paw to the paw print]<touch|(click: ?touch)[ but...
<div class="pulse-in">Nothing happens.</div>
or, [[↩ step away from the machine->Bottom Left Hall]]
<section class="ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td> <td>▭</td> <td>▭</td><td>▭</td> <td></td></tr><tr><td>▭</td><td>[[↑->Left Hall]]</td><td class="majestic"><div>▭</div></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>▣</td><td>[[→->Bottom Hall]]</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section>(if: $shield_refreshed is not 0)[<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/steering-position-1-shield.png" class="limit">](else: )[<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/steering-position-1.png" class="limit">]
I hop up onto the little platform next to this strange... I have no words to describe this thing. I have never seen anything like it.
I sit on the little platform contemplating the strangeness of this thing.
Suddenly it blinks awake in a confusion of colored lights.
I now recognize three large paw prints. Two paws are side by side directly in front of me and there is larger paw at the base of this thing below me. These prints are all larger than my paw but I could probably put my paw against them. Where is the fourth paw? Do Ürs have only three paws?
I take a closer look at this device.
The <span class="steering-white">white</span> circle is around the <span class="steering-red">red</span> dot.
* The left paw print is <span class="steering-dark">dark</span>, [I press the left paw print]<pressleft|
* The right paw print is <span class="steering-orange">orange</span> [[I press the right paw print->Orange Zone Steering Device]]
* The large paw print is <span class="steering-dark">dark</span>, [I press the large paw print]<presslarge|
or, [[↩ step away from the device->Top Hall]]{
(click-append: ?pressleft)[<span class="pulse-in">, but nothing happens.</span>]
(click-append: ?presslarge)[<span class="pulse-in">, but nothing happens.</span>]
}<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ur-courtyard-2.png" class="limit">
There's a whole city of spires and blocks in the distance, but it looks like I'm on some kind of island. I can't tell how to get to the other parts here, but ahead of me are three large buildings. Light glows from their entrances.
I can enter:
* [[The Paw symbol door->Sioban's Palace]]
* [[The Rabbit symbol door->Ebony's Palace]]
* [[The Circles symbol door->Tristan's Palace]]
or [[↩ go back to the entrance->City of the Ürs]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ur-entry-stones-active.png" class="limit">
I hop carefully across these stones, and they indeed hold my weight, as well as their own.
As I hop onto the final stone before the opening, the symbols that circle the opening come to life and glow in a cool blue light all around me. I tingle all over from my nose to my tail.
I have seen these symbols in the Halls of the Ürs. I knew then that they must mean words but now I **understand**, a little, the words they are meant to speak. They are not words like the ones that I know, it would take many of my small words to fill them. To tell another rabbit what they mean would be impossible for me if they did not already understand them.
The first word means this great city of the Ürs. I should be terrified but I do not feel afraid at all.
The Second made of circles says "This is where I am, this is where we ALL are," and it is a larger place than I have ever known. I am on a ball, circling another great ball of storms, circling another ball of fire.
The third word is the paw of the Ür. It is their mark, their paws touch everything. I feel certainty that the Ürs are responsible for everything on this ball, and probably me too.
I see three of the great Ur words but I do not see the fourth, but I feel complete.
Hop onward to the [[Ürs Courtyard]] or [[return to the safety of the cliffs->City of the Ürs]].<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ledge-teleport.png" class="img-gen">
Suddenly I am on a ledge.
My fur is all tingly and crackling and it's a little hard to think.
The sensation is not entirely unpleasnt.
I look around me.
I can't guess what purpose this place once held. Like many places here, it has been damaged by the <span class="thud">THUD</span>; it is a tower made to look like a giant rabbit. Its once majestic paw has broken, and (if: $ebony_advice_about_rubble is not 0)[[[piles of rubble->Pushin' Rubble]]](else: )[<span class="hidden-link">[[piles of rubble->Pushin' Rubble]]</span>] are littered about. Is this one of the great Ürs, turned to stone? How are they so huge?<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ur-lobby-sioban.png" class="img-gen">
The passageway leads down to the beginning of a huge place. Giant rabbit statues tower above me.
[[I continue on to see what this place contains->Sioban's Palace]]
or [[↩ Turn around and go back out to the Courtyard->Ürs Courtyard]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ur-shield-rabbit.png" class="ur-throne">(set: $ur_visited to true)(set: $sioban_visited to true)
<div class="speech other"><span class="urspeak">Young rabbit of the pits, I am the one who is Sioban<span></div>{
}[<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">Hello, old one. What is this place? I have lived my whole life without knowing it was here.</span></div>]<hello_old_one|(click: ?hello_old_one)[(display: "Siobhan: Remains of a Great City")]
[[↩ Walk all the way back out to the Courtyard->Ürs Courtyard]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ur-lobby-tristan.png" class="img-gen">
The passageway leads down to the beginning of a huge place. Giant rabbit statues tower above me.
I [[continue on to see what this place holds->Ebony's Palace]]
or [[↩ Turn around and go back out to the Courtyard->Ürs Courtyard]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/first-of-the-Ur.png" class="ur-throne">(set: $ur_visited to true)(set: $ebony_visited to true)(set: $ebony_advice_about_rubble to true)
<div class="speech other"><span class="urspeak">Young rabbit of the underholes, I am the one who is Ebony<span></div>{
}<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">Hello, old one. I have to THICKEN the SHELL but I do not have the POWER to do it. I need help.</span></div>{
}<div class="speech other"><span class="urspeak">I still remember everything about how to work the machines. Well, some things. Well, I barely remember.</span></div>{
}<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">Anything would help</span></div>{
}<div class="speech other"><span class="urspeak">You need to turn the shell to this place on? There is no point! It is only a rock. If you insist, uncover the generator diode at the foot of the transformer. From it the POWER will flow. The transformer is atop the idol of the primitive underhole rabbits. I am sure of it. I really don't know. If you care so much, I can take you there with my mind, and you can find out for yourself. Or not.</span></div>{
(click: "take you there with my mind")[(show: ?areyousure)][<div class="speech other"><span class="urspeak">Are you sure about that small rabbit?</span></div> <div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">[[Yes.->Portal to Ledge]]</span></div>](areyousure|
}<div class="speech other"><span class="urspeak">
Just remember, for every rock you move, you are also moved. There is a power in stillness. Don't think you can just shove things to and fro.
}<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">[[You're right, sir Ebony. I am not a fan of mind journeys, just regular journeys. Unless... perhaps... send me home?->The end from getting talked out of it by Ebony]]</span></div>{
}[[↩ Walk all the way back out to the Courtyard->Ürs Courtyard]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ur-lobby-ebony.png" class="img-gen">
The passageway leads down to the beginning of a huge place. Giant rabbit statues tower above me.
I [[continue on to see what this place is->Tristan's Palace]]
or [[↩ Turn around and go back out to the Courtyard->Ürs Courtyard]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ur-tristan.png" class="ur-throne">(set: $ur_visited to true)(set: $tristan_visited to true)
<div class="speech other"><span class="urspeak">Young rabbit of the underholes, I am the one who is Tristan<span></div>{
}<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">Hello, old one. I can't figure out how to make the Warren safe. Don't you care?</span></div>{
}<div class="speech other"><div class="urspeak">We once used to STEER (모퓨래), to drive. We once changed course, moved, when needed. Now we stay on parabola. Now we dine on star seed. Nothing hurts us, only loves us.
We do not build. We do not control. We ARE. And know. That is finally what will be. We care nothing for this SHELL.</div></div>{
}<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">STEER? Ok, how do I move this place then?</span></div>{
}<div class="speech other"><span class="urspeak">Set the reticle of the STEERING CORE to GREEN. If you really feel like it's important. I can tell you though, it is not. Listen to me and just find a place to rest until the end.<span></div>{
}<div class="speech other"><span class="urspeak">
There is only one way to go, and that is the way you are going. Why go to a different place. This rock Adrastea came from so far away. Now it is here. This is the place where Adrastea is.
}<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">[[This... is as it is supposed to be? That seems right.->Dying from getting talked out of it by Tristan]]</span></div>{
}[[↩ Walk all the way back out to the Courtyard->Ürs Courtyard]]{<div class="speech other"><span class="warrenherdspeak">My perfect, young one. The <span class="thud">THUD</span> has come and gone before many times. It's true that this seems a little more than usual, but you don't remember very severe times before you were even a kit.</span></div>
|warrenherdquestion>[<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">Old rabbit, I say, the <span class="thud">THUD</span> is upon us. I fear that we will be shaken such that the dirt collapses all around us and there are no rabbits left to create kits. Don't you think we should have some action we can try?</span></div>]
(click: ?warrenherdquestion)[ (display: "Warrenherd Speech 2")]}{<div class="speech other"><span class="warrenherdspeak">We've taken steps. I'm here to safeguard the rabbits, and that means you too, little one.</span></div>
<p>What should I say?</p>
[[<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">Thank you sir, for putting my mind at ease. You're right, these explosions will die down soon. I'll get back to work.</span></div>->The End From Giving Up]]
[[<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">With all respect sire, it's only gotten worse and worse. I think you might not be experiencing the same thing I am.<span></div>->The Warrenherd's Distraction]]}<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/shield-activated-ting.png" class="limit">
I look at this strange window and see the largest room you can imagine. The glowing roof is now fully powered, and when a big rock hits it, it makes a more muted sound. Kind of a sound like,
<div class="tinggg">TINGGG</div>
The giant rocks just bounce off. Perhaps the Warren is safe now, but I can't be sure. Maybe there's a way to make it safe for longer.
[[↩ step away from the machine->Usable Shield Room]]
<section class="template ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td class="majestic"><div>▭</div></td><td>[[↑->Right Hall]]</td><td>▭</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>[[←->Bottom Hall]]</td><td>▣</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/
halls-sw-1.png" class="limit">
(if: $chance_of_thud_in_halls is not 0)[(either: ...$chance_of_thud_in_halls)]
This hall is like the others, except there is a strange device here, and in one corner of it, it looks like there's a window to another world and a prominent paw print. [[I could touch my tiny paw to the huge paw print ]<activateshield|](click: ?activateshield)[(show: ?pressing)]{
<div class="pulse-in">In the distance, I hear the beginning of a crackling sound, but then the sound dies down. I don't think it did what it was supposed to do. There's got to be some way I can get it to work. I wonder if the Ürs would know. I wonder if there even **are** any Ürs.</div>
} or [[I could move closer to get a look at the window.->Shield THUD Viewscreen]]
<section class="template ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td class="majestic"><div>▭</div></td><td>[[↑->Right Hall]]</td><td>▭</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>[[←->Bottom Hall]]</td><td>▣</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ledge-norubble-diode.png" class="img-gen">
It's obvious the rubble is covering something, I use my powerful rabbit legs to shove the rocks away, and a weird tettleplant made of metal is revealed! Maybe this will make something else work.
To be honest, i'm a little dissapointed. Is that it? Just move pile of rocks? The mighty Ür-Rabbit dug an invisible hole WITH ITS MIND and hopped me all the way through it just to move a pile of rocks?
I wait ... Nothing happens.
I can clearly see the opening of a tiny tunnel back to the upper hub. The tunnel is blocked by loose debris from the broken paw of the giant rabbit. From this end of the tunnel I have no doubt I can easily dig past it.
[[ I hop to the entrance of the tiny tunnel. ->Upper Ledge With Diode]]
(set: $diode_is_cleared to true)<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ledge-powered-leap-diode.png" class="img-gen">
A bright stream of crackling, sizzling light bursts from the bud of the metal Tettle plant!
I LEAP out of its way as fast as my little legs can carry me but I am not quite fast enough.
My tail gets singed.
Fearing for my life I dive into the entrance of the tiny tunnel and [[scoot back to the upper hubb->Upper Hub]](if: $diode_is_cleared is not 0)[
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/w-ruin-l1-active.png" class="img-gen">
I look up and watch the giant rocks coast by. The metal Tettle plant at the foot of the giant rabbit now has ragged streams of bright pink light flowing out of it. It is so bright it hurts my eyes and I have to look away. There is a loud buzzing sound and a tingle in the air that makes my fur rise.
My tail hurts.
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/w-ruin-l1-inactive.png" class="img-gen">
I walk out on a red rock ledge.
What did I think was large before? This is the biggest place I have ever been. I am on a giant platform and in a room so large I can't clearly see the end of it. It has the thinnest clear walls of any place, and even beyond, there is blackness, and speckles. Giant rocks coast by.
There are other entrances on this spire, but there is nowhere safe to go from this ledge.
[[The only place to go is through the tunnel back to the Upper Hub->Upper Hub]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ur-sioban-2.png" class="img-gen">
(if: $ur_visited is not 0)[I am in another massive Ür palace. Giant rabbit statues tower above me, and this place is even bigger than the Halls, even more imposing. What strange and round creature could be at the end of **this** strange place?](else: )[I am in a massive place with some kind of platform or throne wayyyyyyyy at the other end. Giant rabbit statues tower above me, and this place is even bigger than the Halls, even more imposing. On it sits an enormous...rabbit, or round, rabbit-like machine. Could this be an Ür?]
[[I approach the throne->Sioban's Throne]]
or [[↩ Walk back out to the Courtyard->Ürs Courtyard]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ur-ebony-2.png" class="img-gen">
(if: $ur_visited is not 0)[I am in another massive Ür palace. Giant rabbit statues tower above me, and this place is even bigger than the Halls, even more imposing. What strange and crackling creature could be at the end of **this** strange place?](else: )[I am in a massive place with some kind of platform or throne wayyyyyyyy at the other end. Giant rabbit statues tower above me, and this place is even bigger than the Halls, even more imposing. On it sits an enormous...rabbit, or crackling, rabbit-like machine. Could this be an Ür?]
[[I approach the throne->Ebony's Throne]]
or [[↩ Walk back out to the Courtyard->Ürs Courtyard]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/ur-tristan-2.png" class="img-gen">
(if: $ur_visited is not 0)[I am in another massive Ür palace. Giant rabbit statues tower above me, and this place is even bigger than the Halls, even more imposing. What strange and luminous creature could be at the end of **this** strange place?](else: )[I am in a massive place with some kind of platform or throne wayyyyyyyy at the other end. Giant rabbit statues tower above me, and this place is even bigger than the Halls, even more imposing. On it sits an enormous...rabbit, or luminous, rabbit-like machine. Could this be an Ür?]
[[I approach the throne->Tristan's Throne]]
or [[↩ Walk back out to the Courtyard->Ürs Courtyard]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/halls-hatch-open-2.png" class="limit">
(if: $hatch_opened is not 0)[This is the gateway between the Halls of the Ürs and the places beyond.](else: )[When I press the paw print, the hatch falls into the floor, and its handle clanks to the ground, almost hitting me. Scary, but now a whole new place is before me.(set: $hatch_opened to true)]
[[I can hop a little further beyond the door and peek out->Opened Hatch Peek]](if: $ur_visited is not 0)[or, [[I can hop the long way all the way back to the courtyard leading to the Ürs->Ürs Courtyard]]]
or I can [[↩ walk back into the Halls->Right Hall]] (if: $shield_refreshed is not 0)[<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/steering-position-2-shield.png" class="limit">](else: )[<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/steering-position-2.png" class="limit">]
The colored lights above me blink wildly. In the distance, from what feels like deep beneath me, I feel... a rumble? The <span class="steering-white">white</span> circle is now around the <span class="steering-orange">orange</span> dot.
* The left paw print is <span class="steering-red">red</span>, [[I press the right paw print->Red Zone Steering Device]]
* The right paw print is <span class="steering-green">green</span> [[I press the right paw print->Green Zone Steering Device]]
* The large paw print is <span class="steering-orange-pulse">pulsing orange</span>, [I press the large paw print]<presslarge|
or, [[↩ step away from the device->Top Hall]]
(click: ?presslarge)[
(if: $shield_refreshed is not 0)[
(goto: "Moving THINGGG Death")
](else: )[
(goto: "Moving THUD Death Orange")
}(if: $shield_refreshed is not 0)[<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/steering-position-3-green.png" class="limit">](else: )[<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/steering-position-3.png" class="limit">]
The colored lights above me blink wildly. Deep beneath me I feel another rumble greater than the last. The <span class="steering-white">white</span> circle is now around the <span class="steering-green">green</span> dot.
* The left paw print is <span class="steering-orange">orange</span>, [[I press the left paw print->Orange Zone Steering Device]]
* The right paw print is <span class="steering-dark">dark</span>, [I press the right paw print]<pressright|
* (if: $shield_refreshed is not 0)[The large paw print is <span class="steering-green">green</span>, ](else: )[The large paw print is <span class="steering-red-pulse">pulsing red</span>, ][I press the large paw print]<presslarge|
or, [[↩ step away from the device->Top Hall]]{
(click-append: ?pressright)[<span class="pulse-in">, but nothing happens.</span>]
(click: ?presslarge)[
(if: $shield_refreshed is not 0)[
(goto: "Lurch One")
](else: )[
(goto: "Moving THUD Death Green")
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/thin-ears.png" class="limit">
The fur on my ears grows thin. It has now been so many growing cycles without the THUD that I no longer count them. Many of the rabbits have already forgotten. New kits are being born everywhere in the Warren. They are digging and scuffling without knowledge or fear of the THUD.
(if: $talked_to_the_river_rabbit is not 0)[The River Rabbit was right. “If you think more rabbits need to be born then I guess you can try and do something about it.” was the advice that wise old rabbit gave me.
Well, I did something about it.](else: )[No one else in The Warren seemed to care. No one cared about the world outside The Warren, no one cared about the fate of all the young kittens. I did.]
[[Start over?->The Thud]]
<span class="urspeak">[[credits?->Credits?]]</span>
<div class="thud">THUD THUD THUD</div>
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/explosion.png" class="img-med">
<div class="thud">KRRRRAAKAKKK</div>
Maybe with the shell thickened, you could have moved the Warren to safety.
[[Rewind to the moment before this happened?->Green Zone Steering Device]]<div class="tinggg">TNIG TING TING...</div>
<div class="thud">THUD THUD THUD</div>
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/explosion.png" class="img-med">
<div class="thud">KRRRRAAKAKKK</div>
You didn't move the Warren to a safe place, even though the shell was thickened, it couldn't hold up forever.
[[Rewind to the moment before this happened?->Orange Zone Steering Device]]<div class="thud">THUD THUD THUD</div>
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/explosion.png" class="img-med">
<div class="thud">KRRRRAAKAKKK</div>
Maybe with the shell thickened, you could have moved the Warren to safety, I mean, if you'd pointed it in the right direction.
[[Rewind to the moment before this happened?->Green Zone Steering Device]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/portal.png" class="ur-throne">
One moment I am speaking with the Ür-rabbit Ebony and then the next
[[I am in some strange place far away.->Upper Ledge]]Made by Christopher Hayes (<a href="http://eptilemind.com"><span style="color:#fff;">reptilemind.com</span></a>), and Daniel Talsky (<a href="http://danieltalsky.com"><span style="color:#fff;">danieltalsky.com</span></a>), two guys who are friends. They just did this so they would have something to do besides just watch Sci-Fi and Better Call Saul. No rabbits were hurt in the making of this interactive-ish fiction-ish.
Seriously though, thanks for playing. They barely do creative work that's not for money anymore, because if people aren't paying, they won't even look at it, especially weird story games.
Thanks to this contest though, real human beings just like you willingly tried it out and maybe even gave us feedback, which is about the maximum people can hope for if they do any kind of art.
If you have any questions or comments and it's an emergency, then please call the authorities and don't hang up or they'll just send a cop car anyway to make sure. Let them know your address and the nature of your emergency and please stay calm.
If it's not an emergency, then please email <a href="mailto:urs@tinyplace.org"><span style="color:#fff;">urs@tinyplace.org</span></a> and say hi.
So long, and thanks for all the tarantulas.
[[Play Ürs->Ürs Title Card]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/blocked-tunnel.png" class="limit">
I scrabble up the slope and into the tiny tunnel as far as my little body can go. Stones block the tunnel from the other side. They are too heavy for me to move and too snug against the walls for me to wiggle past.
There is bright light and cool air coming from somewhere further up the tunnel but what lies beyond I cannot tell.
I DIG!!! but my little paws were meant for softer things and are impotent against solid rock. I am certain I could move them from the other side and push them down the tunnel but from this side I can do nothing.
[[All I can do is scoot back down the tiny tunnel back to the upper hub->Upper Hub]](if: $shield_refreshed is not 0)[<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/shield-activated-ting.png" class="limit">
I look at this strange window and see that the glowing roof is now fully powered! When a big rock hits it, it makes a more muted sound. Kind of a sound like,
<div class="tinggg">TINGGG</div>
The giant rocks just bounce off. Perhaps the Warren is safe now, but I can't be sure. Maybe there's a way to make it safe for longer.
[[↩ step away from the machine->Usable Shield Room]]
](else:)[<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/
shield-activated-master-view.png" class="limit">
<div class="thud">THUD</div>
I look at this strange window and again I see the largest room I can imagine. I can also see the rabbit shaped tower in the distance. The giant rocks are still hitting the roof of this huge space! I can see this thin roof crackle and shake each time. It gets thinner and thinner with every rock that hits it. I know it was made to protect against the rocks, so why is it still not doing a good job?.
There must be something else I need to do to thicken it.
[[↩ step away from the machine->Usable Shield Room]]
<section class="template ursmap"><table><tbody><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>▭</td><td>▭</td><td class="majestic"><div>▭</div></td><td>[[↑->Right Hall]]</td><td>▭</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>▭</td><td>[[←->Bottom Hall]]</td><td>▣</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section>
I feel this whole ball <span class="lurch">LURCH</span> and shake as it changes direction.
[[Continue...->Lurch Two]]
Another <span class="lurch">LURCH</span>
I hear <span class="tinggg">tinggg</span><span class="tinggg">tinggg</span><span class="tinggg">tinggg</span> for a while, but the sound grows less and less ...
[[Continue...->Lurch Three]]
There is one last great final <span class="lurch">LURCH</span> and then all the shuddering noises are gone.
Everything is quiet.
Everything is safe.
It seems like the rabbits must be protected for a long time now.
[[Return To The Warren]]
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/w-familiar-place.png" class="limit">
I return to the warren and finally, I curl up in the fluffle huddle and sleep.
Everyrabbit knows the <span class="thud">THUD</span> has stopped, but none know why.
(if: $talked_to_the_river_rabbit is not 0)[[[No one needs to know...->One Last Adventure]]](else: )[[[No one needs to know...->The Rabbits are Saved]]]except maybe one ...
* [[I tell the old River Rabbit about my adventure, and how I saved the Warren->River Rabbit Conversation]]
* [[I say nothing and let the old rabbit be.->The Rabbits are Saved]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/river-rabbit-convo-cu.png" class="limit">
I return to the river.
The River Rabbit regards me a little suspiciously, but then recognizes me.
<div class="speech other"><span class="riverrabbitspeak">Ye again. Find what Ye seeked?</span></div>
What should I say?
|ursquestion>[<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak"><span class="herospeak">I found the places of the Ür-rabbits. They were not responsible for the <span class="thud">THUD</span> but they told me what to do to make the warren safe.</span></div>]|ursresponse)[I tell the River Rabbit about the Ürs in as much detail as I can remember. I describe Sioban, Ebony and Tristan and how even though the Ür-rabbits made a great show of not caring, in the end, they helped to save the Warren.
<div class="speech other"><span class="riverrabbitspeak">So thee old stories are true. Ye found thee great places of the Ürs and returned to tell of it! This old rabbit was wrong to advise Ye against it. Good for you Young One, for once this old rabbit is glad to have been wrong.</span></div>](click: ?ursquestion)[ (show: ?ursresponse) ]
|riverquestion>[<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">I saw many strange and wonderful things on the other side of the river.</span></div>]|riverresponse)[I tell the River Rabbit about the Halls of the Ürs, the many strange devices and all of the things I had to do to make the warren safe. I tell the old rabbit about the metal tettle plant and how it singed my tail. The old rabbit laughs. I describe the strange little baths in the large empty rooms with no water and the brightly colored object with a paw print too large for my tiny paw to press.
<div class="speech other"><span class="riverrabbitspeak">New great mysteries of rabbits! These strange and wonderful things I would like to see.</span></div>
[[This old rabbit may have one hop left in it still->Over The River One Last Time]] before the time comes to join with the river and go forever wherever it flows. </span></div>](click: ?riverquestion)[ (show: ?riverresponse) ]
(set: $returned_to_river to true)<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/river-rabbit-hopp-1.png" class="limit">
We hop together to the edge of the river and I leap to the other side.
[[Continue ...-> The River Rabbits Leap]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/river-rabbit-hopp.png" class="limit">
I land on the opposite side and wait patiently for the River Rabbit to follow.
The old rabbit takes his time.
[[I have never witnessed a more graceful leap...or a more a perfectly joyful rabbit.-> The River Rabbit Lands]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/river-rabbit-hopp-2.png" class="limit">
[[He tries not to show too much pride.->The Last Mystery]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/river-rabbit-hopp-3.png" class="limit">
I lead the River Rabbit through all the halls of the Ürs. The old rabbit hops silently beside me in wonder.
When we reach the chamber with a brightly colored object, we pause.<div class="speech other"><span class="riverrabbitspeak">Perhaps I could place my paw on one side, and you could place your paw on the other?</span></div>These are the first words the old rabbit speaks since entering the halls.
[[I stand on the far side, and he stands on the near side. Together we press our paws into the cube...->Secret Cave]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/w-secret-cave.png" class="limit">
A tunnel at the far end of the hall that I had paid no attention to before, suddenly bursts with light.
A great blast of air rushes in, blowing back our ears.
The air is fresh and clean and its scent is familiar.
[[The old rabbit and I hop down the tunnel->The Rivers Secret]]<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/river-revealed.png" class="limit">
The River Rabbit and I sit together in silence for a long, long time...
and contemplate the great mystery of rabbits.
[[Epilogue->The Rabbits are Saved]]<div class="thud">THUD THUD THUD</div>
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/explosion.png" class="img-med">
<div class="thud">KRRRRAAKAKKK</div>
This doesn't matter.
[[Rewind to the moment before this happened?->Sioban's Throne]]<div class="thud">THUD THUD THUD</div>
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/explosion.png" class="img-med">
<div class="thud">KRRRRAAKAKKK</div>
You are home.
[[Rewind to the moment before this happened?->Ebony's Throne]]<div class="thud">THUD THUD THUD</div>
<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/explosion.png" class="img-med">
<div class="thud">KRRRRAAKAKKK</div>
You have found the right place.
[[Rewind to the moment before this happened?->Tristan's Throne]]{<!--
Welcome to the code for Ürs the gamestorybook
This is the title card, scroll down for content
<meta property="og:title" content="Ürs, a gamestorybook" />
<meta property="og:url" content="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city" />
<meta property="og:image" content="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/The-city-of-uR-cover-e.png" />
<meta property="og:description" content="A lushly illustrated gamestorybook adventure about rabbits, inspired by Watership Down, City of Ember, Skyrim, Caves of Qud, Super Mario Brothers, and Apocolypse Now. ">
<meta name="author" content="Christopher Hayes and Daniel Talsky" />
}[[<img src="https://urs.rabbitrabbit.city/images/The-city-of-uR-cover-e.png" class="limit">->The Thud]]
<div id="credits">(align: "=><=")[<span style="font-size:1.7em;">a gamestorybook by</span>
<span class="rabbits">Christopher Hayes </span><span class="rabbits" style="font-size:1em !important;">&</span><span class="rabbits">Daniel Talsky</span>]</div>
<div id="start">(align: "=><=")[[[I WANT TO PLAY NOW!->The Thud]]]</div>
<div id="feedback">(align: "=><=")[<a href="mailto:urs@tinyplace.org">Feedback</a>
<div id="copyright">(align: "=><=")[
<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-nd/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License</a>.]</div><div class="speech other"><span class="urspeak">It is the remains of a great city. We were once quite beautiful and accomplished. We created this place, and even your people in a long ago.<span></div>{
}<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">Well, then tell me how to protect from the <span class="thud">THUD</span> and keep the rabbits safe. What is happening?</span></div>{
}<div class="speech other"><span class="urspeak">
Our shell... is failing. With each <span class="thud">THUD</span> it becmes thinner and thinner, like the fur on the ears of an old rabbit. But unlike that one's old ears it can be thickened.<span></div>{
}<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">So then, thicken it, old one.</span></div>{
}<div class="speech other"><span class="urspeak">
Our moving time is done. We are all in our sitting time. Our breeding time never was, and the breeding time of the Meis long done.
}<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">I want to thicken the shell, then.</span></div>{
}<div class="speech other"><span class="urspeak">
To THICKEN the SHELL one must have POWER. That POWER I do not possess. EBONY is of POWER. Go and speak with EBONY. If EBONY will hear you. EBONY may not. With power, ACTIVATE and the shell will THICKEN of its own. It is as it must be. It is as I have made. Be wary, the SHELL must be thick before STEERING Adrastea, else asteroids will destroy Adrastea before you make it to safety.
}<div class="speech other"><span class="urspeak">
You are the same cold stone as me. It is not necessary to persist in bending your fate. Rest, young rabbit. It might just work out.
}<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">[[I can't see why it would matter, I guess.->Dying from getting talked out of it by Sioban for real]]</span></div>(set: $talked_to_the_river_rabbit to true)<div class="speech other"><span class="riverrabbitspeak">It's true. I've never seen such a thing. Maybe the river is causing it, I just can't know.
I'm ready to be a dirt rabbit, if need be. If you think more rabbits need to be born then I guess you can try and do something about it. I don't know of anything else to try but an old place, across the river. It's not a good place. There's some kind of tower there, and further, the places of the Ür-rabbits.</span></div>{
}|ursquestion>[<div class="speech self"><span class="herospeak">What about the places of the old Ür-rabbits, is it possible they are responsible for the <span class="thud">THUD</span>? A tower? What is past the river?</div>]|ursresponse)[<div class="speech other"><span class="riverrabbitspeak">Past the river is a place like you've never seen. A rabbit tower, and further, the places of the Ür-rabbits. The tower itself is terrifying. I never crossed the threshold of the Ür-rabbits, and I don't know if it's wise to do so. If you do, come back and tell me what you saw.</span></div>](click: ?ursquestion)[ (show: ?ursresponse) ]Made by Christopher Hayes (<a href="http://eptilemind.com"><span style="color:#fff;">reptilemind.com</span></a>), and Daniel Talsky (<a href="http://danieltalsky.com"><span style="color:#fff;">danieltalsky.com</span></a>), two guys who are friends. They just did this so they would have something to do besides just watch Sci-Fi and Better Call Saul and drink beer. No rabbits were hurt in the making of this interactive-ish fiction-ish.
To contact, email <a href="mailto:urs@tinyplace.org"><span style="color:#fff;">urs@tinyplace.org</span></a>.
[[Play Ürs->Ürs Title Card]]